Friday, February 27, 2009

Is it Sunday Yet?

A friend and co-worker passed away this month after battling cancer for a year and a half. I was in awe of his courage and how he never complained. He never questioned that God chose him to endure cancer but accepted and embraced the journey. Seven months of chemo were endured while never missing a day of work. Some days he would be seen in the break room during lunch laying his head down or sleeping in his truck after work before making the drive home. He always gave God the glory for his strength and endurance.

God used him to draw co-workers closer together. We gathered and prayed with him and soon found ourselves praying for others and sharing our lives on a deeper level. We continue that even today. What a blessing. Thank you Lord!

We talked many times about our adoption process and he continued to lift us up in prayer. I always walked away encouraged and with a lighter spirit whenever we talked. As for his family he had a loving wife and two very young boys. The most heartbreaking part of his passing is that these boys lost their father.

It was mentioned during the memorial service that he often asked his family “Is it Sunday yet?” He looked forward to attending church and visiting with friends. Later as I thought about the memorial service that phrase “Is it Sunday yet?” clicked. Our adoption blog “Sunday Will Come”! I logged onto the blog and this spoke to me “"In the darkness of our sorrow, Sunday will come. No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come.”

So my friend and brother in Christ - Sunday came and ended your suffering. I miss you and will never forget you. I am thankful that God allowed me to know you. Lord, thank you for using those specific words that spoke to my heart. Also, for reminding me that for his family and their grief - Sunday will come. We trust you Lord in all things!

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