Monday, February 23, 2009

"Sunday" has been delayed

Yesterday was an emotional day as friends at Church wished us well. It began to hit home that we were finally about to meet our children. Larry talked with the Sunday School class about our trip and adopting the boys. We learned that each child in the class will bring their favorite food to give to the boys. Also, the children will learn some Spanish phrases so they can talk to the boys and make them feel welcome in class.

This morning we received a call from our agency that Juan contracted Hepatitis A and will be quarantined for three weeks. So our trip is delayed and we meet the boys March 12. We trust God and his timing so we will just continue to pray and wait.


  1. What a bummer! But God has the best thing in mind... I will pray for little Juan! Hang in there! I know you are so excited!!! I can't wait to read the post when you meet your ninos! God bless you both!

  2. Aww, I hope Juan gets better soon. How tough on him to be quarantined. We were delayed in picking up our son, too. It was only a one day delay, but still, I remember the disappointment. God's timing is best, though!

  3. Sorry to hear about Juan and sad for you guys. I would say it is better they found out now instead of when she arrived back to the US. Two weeks after coming Angelica was diagnosed with acute Hep A and everyone (family, friends, etc all had to get shots). We felt horrible but Angelica showed no signs. Hang in there..SOON you will be meeting your boys!

    CHI mami to Brian Guatemala), Angelica (Colombia)

  4. I will be praying for little Juan. I remember in my younger years, my sister had hep. and the shots were not at all fun. Praying that he (and the other boys) come through this okay. Hang in there. Hopefully the time will zoom by! Soon your Sunday will come!

  5. Thank you all so much for your commments. The encouragement we receive from this is tremendous!
